To promote the Actia network’s image, a lot of work has been done to create a uniform and well-structured visual identity at national level. All of the documents, technical guides, brochures, and websites produced over the last 20 years have been designed and printed or put online by an in-house artistic director.
The aim is to create a strong and coherent visual identity for all of the content produced by the technical institutes, thereby creating a perception of synergy and making sometimes highly technical works more accessible through an attractive layout and high-quality illustrations.
The network communicates both internally and externally in a variety of ways: Social media, the newsletter: “Actialités”, press releases, press reviews, the organisation of events, the design of invitations and programmes for events or technical conferences, the creation of visual identities (European programmes, Actia joint technological network, Actia joint technological unit, working groups, ITAINNOV, etc.), the design and management of websites (Actia, Référentiels, Transfobio, Propackfood), the creation of posters or signs for trade fairs, scientific publications, hearings at the Senate or the National Assembly, printing and free distribution of technical guides, the graphic design of online training (mooc, spoc), greetings cards.