Interface partners and technical
partners in synergy with
the food technology institutes

In synergy with the Food Technology Institutes, the Partner Centres are increasing the scope of their activity. In particular, they provide their expertise to joint technological networks, and other networks, and working groups.

With no analytical or technical resources, the Interface Centres provide direct support to regional SMEs for the development of their activities, through innovation and improved performances. This assistance is adapted to each company, taking into account its needs (technology transfer, marketing, project management, strategy, regulations, market intelligence, etc.).


Through their involvement by industry and at geographical level, the Technical Centres make their skills and technical resources available to all ACTIA partners, alongside the Food Technology Institutes and the Interface Centres. They also provide a complete range of services: from the tailor-made development of products and processes to the production of industrial pre-production runs, analytical services (physical-chemical, microbiological, sensorial, etc.), to consulting and technical assistance.