A stringer partnership
between public laboratories
and technological institutes
The Unité mixte technologique (UMT - Joint Technological Unit) is a partnership tool shared by the Technical Institute and the Public Research Institute, which has been established and supported by the Ministry responsible for Food. For the agri-foods sector, Actia coordinates sixteen UMTs which cover complementary topics with the RMTs (Réseaux Mixtes Technologiques - Joint Technological Networks).
A national competence cluster
For its discipline, the UMT offers a single, recognised research and development point of entry for its different professional, industrial, research and public interfaces.
A unique and innovative tool
for technological research
Like the Unité mixte de recherche (Joint Research Unit), the UMT promotes synergies between researchers and engineers due to its specific modes of operation: unity of location and management, co-creation of the nationally focussed scientific programme, pooling of technical and human resources, and its variety of complementary competences
... and expertise and transfer to companies
Transforming the expectations of professionals into research issues, the UMT is dedicated to technological research that produces operational results which can be broadly applied in the short and medium term. Its technical advances are disseminated, so that they can be used rapidly and optimally by all operators.