Foster the skills of the main fermented and distilled beverage sectors, in order to improve the various production steps in alcoholic fermentation and distillation, as well as the technological safety of the processes and safety of the products.
Energise R&D by structuring the synergy between the technical centres and public research
Control and optimisation of alcoholic fermentation.
Knowledge and use of the diversity of yeasts and their potentialities.
Improvement in the energy and environmental assessments of the distillation processes.
Evaluation and control of certain health risks.
Favour innovation by increasing exchanges between sectors
Development of new tools for integrating knowledge.
Scientific watch on health safety.
Physical-chemical analysis methods.
Valorisation of by-products.
Development of process simulation models.
Improving the dissemination of the results through training and informing the stakeholders, thanks to meetings with teaching, research and development bodies
Writing of practical guides that are specific to the fermented and distilled product sector.
Publication of scientific and technical articles.
Organisation of seminars and information days.
Setting up training programmes.