Bureau national interprofessionnel du Cognac
Managing director
23 allées Bernard-Guionnet, B.P. 90018
16101 Cognac Cedex
Tél. : 33 (0)5 45 35 61 00
Wine and spirits:
Cognac, Pineau des Charentes, liqueurs.
Fermented and distilled products.
Sustainable production of grapes, wines and spirits of quality
Wine agronomy, plant material, vine growing, œnology, distillation
Knowledge and defense products
Physico-chemical and sensory analyses, food safety and qualification of inputs, product authenticity, intelligence and regulatory expertise
Environmental issues and Sustainable development
Waters, air, energy, climate, biodiversity, landscapes...
Services of R&D in viticulture, œnology, distillation, environment.
Officials analyses, sanitary safety and characterization of products.
Training in viticulture, œnology, distillation, hygiene, quality...
Pre-multiplication of the vine.
Food technology institute (ITAI).
Cofrac accreditation n°1-0574.
Good experimental practices (GEP) : (phytosanitary products on the vine).
France Agrimer : Accreditation of pre-multiplication centre of BNIC.
DGCCRF : delivery of certificates for exporting food products.
International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), Spiritts Europe, Food and Drinks Europe, Bipea, FranceAgriMer, Scientific and technical board for the viti-viniculture sector, like of the vine.
Experimental vineyard.
Pilots of wine-growing experiment vinification and distillation.
Laboratories of analysis physico-chemical and sensory evaluation.
Other sites
Numbers of employees
Joint technological unit
Joint technological network
European projects
Scientific partnerships
Adria Normandie, AgroParisTech, CNRS Poitiers, IFV, Inrae (Montpellier, Bordeaux and Colmar), ISVV Bordeaux, UNGDA, Esa Angers.
Project examples
Regional network for the acquisition of technical, viticultural and oenological references.
Study reports on vine water stress.
Management and coordination of experimentation on alternatives to conventional pesticides.
Creation and selection of resistant variety programs. Registration of new resistant varieties. Conservation of genetic heritage through conservatories.
Constitution and annual update of a database of qualified phytosanitary products without affecting the organoleptic excellence of Cognacs.
Study of the nitrogen supply of yeasts (ANR program).
Selection of yeast strains for the production of distillation wines. Co-obtaining of yeast creation.
Realization of the carbon balance® of the Cognac sector.
Identification of new odorous compounds in Cognac eaux-de-vie.
Inter-laboratory evaluation of the performance of analytical methods.
Guide to good practices « Materials in contact ».
Monitoring, coordination and deployment of Cognac Environmental Certification within the wine-growing area.