
Centre d'études et de valorisation des algues

Managing director

Stéphanie Pedron


83 Presqu’île de Pen Lan
22610 Pleubian 
Tél. :  02 96 22 93 50


Materials sectors : Macroalgae and microalgae.
Natural resources and culture.
Environmental impact


Products sectors

Agriculture : fertilizers, SDN, phytohormones

Animal alimentation : minerals, proteins, active substances

Human alimentation : nutrition, health, new vegetables, ingredients

Cosmetics : Ingredients, actifs

Chemical/Matérials : papers, composites, plastics, intermediates, hemisynthesis

Energy : gas/alcohol by fermentation, biodiesel


Acquisition and interpretation of environmental data linked to the algal biomass.
Algae culture.
Biochemical characterisation of algae molecules.
Development of products.
Developing processes for enzymatic fractioning of algae polysaccharides.


Biomass monitoring: mapping, modelling and development of tools for capturing information.

Development of culture techniques.

Microalgae in pocket and basin in the scale to pilots or industrial.

Microalgae by natural collecting or  hatchery. Magnification basins and concessions at sea. Sizing and implementation of production units.
Development of new processes and products: activity screening, raw materials characterisation, developing processes and carrying out industrial pre-series tests.
Development of specific analytical methods: extraction, purification and characterisation of compounds present in marine plants (polysaccharides, proteins, pigments, lipids).
Knowledge management : technical-economic analysis of scientific advances, technologies linked at algaes. Stratégic analysis.


Food technology institute (ITAI).
Approved for training and research tax credit.


Ifremer, Anses, DGCCRF, ANR, Ademe, Chambre syndicale des algues et végétaux marins (marine plant and algae union), Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development, Regional Council of Brittany, Regional Council of Côtes-d'Armor, Regional Council of Finistère, Regional Council of Morbihan, Regional Council of Île-et-Vilaine, Maritime Affairs, Loire-Bretagne water agency, Seine-Normandie water agency.


Culture equipment
(hatchery, nursery and concession at sea).

1000 m² pilot with: grinding, enamelled reactors; filtration (press, nano & ultrafiltration), vacuum concentrator, drying and freeze-drying.

Laboratory and analytics: development of chemo-enzymatic extraction, purification and modification processes on a laboratory scale (1 to 5 L) in water and solvent mediums (sonifier, extraction ramp, refrigerated centrifuge, rotating evaporators...).

Low-pressure preparative chromatography and FPLC on polysaccharides and proteins.

Physical-chemical characterisations (viscosity). Chemical characterisation of polysaccharides, proteins and
pigments via chromatography (HPLC with refractometry and UV-Vis DAD).

Quantification of mineral elements via atomic absorption (oven and flame) and Kjeldhal (N and P).

Microbiology of marine bacteria (Pasteur techniques).


Responsible for aquaculture & sourcing
Responsible for ecology & environment
Responsible for innovation & products

Other sites

Numbers of employees


Joint technological unit

Joint technological network

European projects

Scientific partnerships

Ifremer, CNRS, Inra, Enssat-Lannion, UBO, UBS, UEB, ENSCR, CEA... Dass 22, Anses, competitive cluster Valorial, Mer-Bretagne, Mer-Méditerrannée, Aquimer, Vegepolys, Axellera, Trimatec, Blue cluster...

Project examples

Mapping via remote detection of the algae coverage of Breton and Norman foreshores using Spot satellite images and capture via hyperspectral sensor (project leader + Pays Trégor Goëlo and Casi Normandie AESN/EDF project).
Qualitative and semi-quantitative regional monitoring of green algae proliferation phenomena.
Evaluation of the total stocks reached in the major sites with green algae. Monitoring of the instances of eutrophication in the main sites affected (intervention unit programme on green tides, Cimav).
Study of the gas emissions of beached green algae (Dass 22).

Nutrition and food
Use of algae in foods, participation in Brittany’s Health Nutrition Plan.

Development of food algae, sea vetegales (Project SensAlgue,CRB / Valorial)

Development of a Breton cheese specialty (Association des fromagers du Breizhom, Valorial). Development of algae extracts that have an anti-bacterial activity within the framework of animal nutrition, (Nutrialg project, CRB / Valorial).

Assistance for the marine plant and algae union within the framework of modifying the Afnor standards with the National Bureau on mineral and fertiliser improvement.
Development of SDN extracts from marine vegetables to protect the culture of tomatoes under greenhouses.

Private clients (ANR, Valorial, CRB).

Screening of cosmetics active ingredients using tropical algae, developing specific formulations (private clients).

Algae cultures
Initiator of Breiz'Alg program to federate the development of the culture of macroalgae in Brittany and its use in food-processing industry. Since his launch in 2012, 500 Ha of concession was granted which 250 are already in culture for food algae. 500 Ha is in demand at the end of 2014.

Culture of microalgae in basin in greenhouses for private clients. Finality of industrial scale production in greenhouses, ingredients and dietary supplements applications.

Intégration of technologies required sizing of production units, training and transfert. "Low-cost systems".