Institut français des boissons, de la brasserie et de la malterie
Managing director
7 rue du Bois-de-la-Champelle
54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy
Tél. : 33 (0)3 83 44 88 00
Beer, beverage and milling industry branches
Malting, drink and milling industry technology.
Contaminants: mycotoxins, pesticides, glycotoxins.
Identification of cereal moulds and their impact in processes.
Varietal identification of cereals by PCRs
(Polymerase Chain Reactions).
Impact of raw materials on the processing and quality of the final product.
Impact of processes on the quality of the final product, energy and environment.
Sensory evaluation
All products.
Analysis of contaminants
Mycotoxins, pesticides, glycotoxins, heavy metals, etc.
Physico-chemical analysis
Barley, malt, wheat, milling wheat, hops, maize...
Analysis of moulds
Visual method and molecular biology.
Varietal analysis
Wheat, barley, peas, etc.
Food technology institute (ITAI).
Laboratory best practices, ISO 9001, Cofrac (French accreditation committee) (Qualtech branch).
Anses, Afnor, Malteurs de France, Brasseurs de France, ANMF, European Brewery Convention, Brewers of Europe.
The IFBM is equipped with a test platform for the malting industry, brewing industry and beverages, with semi-industrial pilots (malting industry 600 kg and brewing industry 20hl, packing), a test bakery and various laboratories (physico-chemical analysis: milling industry and malting industry, brewing industry, sensory evaluation, analysis of contaminants, molecular biology).
Other sites
Numbers of employees
Joint technological unit
Joint technological network
European projects
Scientific partnerships
With French teams
Actia Centres, Inra, INPL, University Paris VI
With international teams
BRI, University of Louvain (Belgium), VTT (Finland)
Project examples
Use of "starters" to reduce the level of mycotoxins.
Development of a membrane bioreactor for the re-use of steepwater in the malting industry.
Development of methods for analysis of emerging mycotoxins and varietal identification.