Centre technique de la conservation des produits agricoles
Managing director
44 rue d'Alésia, TSA 31444
75158 Paris Cedex 14
Tél. : 33 (0)1 53 91 44 44
Most food sectors
Fruits and vegetables, cooked dishes, meats and foie gras, cereal products, drinks.
Fresh and 1st improved range, dehydrated, frozen, pasteurised, appertised, fresh ready to use food, ready-to-eat products.
lThe CTCPA supports the manufacturers, from the artisan to the industrial group, in their projects.
Profitable innovation: developing products, packaging and processes of the concept until the preseries and industrialization.
Workshop performance: optimisation of heat treatment schedules, reducing energy costs, reducing water consumption, reorganising lines...
Food safety: microbiological expertise, hygiene audits, validating the use-by date, barrier properties of packaging and food contact, Iso 22000, IFS, BRC.
Skills management: profession / skills diagnostic, management planning of jobs and skills, training the trainer, CQP.
The CTCPA accompanies the products of industrialists as a whole, taking into account all of the technical and economic constraints in implementing them in the field. If needed. It can call upon its network of experts, in France and in Europe. Especially note the operation as an "expertise unit" for customers that have a large project in the company, which makes it possible to bring together for one day various experts from the CTCPA and the industrialist's various contacts, in order to develop a complete action plan and address the project as a whole.
Food technology institute (ITAI).
Technological ressource centre (CRT).
Accréditation Cofrac N°1 - 5328 on the program
Matérials in the contact of food
Working group Anses
"Evaluation of guides of good practices hygiene and application of principles HACCP "and" Evaluation of substances and processes subjected to authorization in human"
DGCCRF : reflexion group about materials in the contact of food
Afnor : reflexion group V01C, V08B, V03B, D21B
Four technological halls make it possible to reproduce the industrial unitary operations and manufacture any type of pre-series: conventional equipment (autoclaves, sealing machine, heat sealer, ESR...) and innovating equipment (ohmic heating, high pressions, pulsed light).
CTCPA arranges several laboratories of analytical expertise in microbiology of sporules, features of packagings and migrations packaging / contents and nutrional quality of the plant products.
Other sites
Numbers of employees
Joint technological unit
Joint technological network
European projects
Scientific partnerships
The CTCPA participates in national and European research programmes, which allows it to always be on the lookout for current technical advances and to know the major actors in a sector.
With French teams
AgroParisTech, Inra Paca, Montpellier & Villeneuve d'Ascq, Oniris, university of Bretagne occidentale, University f Lyon II Biodymia
With international teams
Technological University of Berlin (Germany), University of Wageningen (The Netherlands), University of Carthagena (Spain)
Project examples
Development of a ready-to-eat product banana bar «Cœur de fruit»: work on cutting, packaging and industrialisation.
Formulation «Panidiet» meal substitute bun with stringent specifications on lipids and protids.
Audit of Lu’s baking ovens which resulted in reducing energy consumption by 10%.
CQP approach for ten employees of the France Champignon group.