Form a network for reference and expertise in microbiological safety of food products, on a national level, in order to respond to the new regulations of the "Hygiene Packet" (shelf-life of products, HACCP, qualification for processes), by pooling the know-how and encouraging exchanges and research projects between the technical institutes, expert laboratories, entities in charge of health safety and professionals.
The RMT conducts programmes allowing for the use of the various tools for the microbiological shelf-life determination of food products in a supplemental, pertinent and shared manner.
Changes and articulation of the tools assisting with expertise
%%POPUP_SYMPREVIUS%%Predictive microbiology/Sym’Previus: developing the capacities of the Sym’Previus tool (HACCP module, probalistic approach, enriched database, comparative expertise tests).
Growth test: improvement in the methodologies via the use of data from research projects.
Physical-chemical characterisation of foods: inter-laboratory tests in order to optimise the measurement methods (pH, water activity, concentration in organic acids).
Articulation of the tools
Setting up of a complete kit of tools for assisting with expertise, making it possible to assess in an optimal manner the microbiological shelf-life of food products, taking their specific points and the processes implemented into account.
Listing of tools on a national and European level
Participation in the drafting of European guides for industrialists and national reference laboratories for Listeria monocytogenes.
Initiation and participation in the revising of the Afnor NF V01 003 standard (ageing test).
Distribution of methods and tools assisting in making decisions
Organisation of national information days and round tables in the region for professionals and the public authorities (Ministry responsible for Food).
Training provided within the curriculum of higher or technical education, and with national reference laboratories for Listeria monocytogenes.
Publications of scientific and technical articles stemming from research projects.