Eco-compatibility of food processes and products.
Valorisation of agro-industry by-products.
Create expertise for these two subjects by placing skills and material resources of various research, development, transfer and teaching bodies into a network.
Life cycle analyses (LCA): development by chains (Acydu projet, Acyvia projet).
Research and development in eco-design for products and processes.
Best technologies available (BTA): writing of sector guides in order to implement them.
Bilan Carbone®: assistance in evaluating and in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- Methodological guide for achieving Bilan Carbone® companies baking and pastry industry.
- Organization of regional information on the Bilan Carbone®.
Environmental labelling: participation in the work of the Afnor-Ademe platform.
Energy (methanation) and material valorisation of agro-industry products and by-products (Vamacopia Project).
Diagnostic and support for controlling olfactory pollution.
Disseminating the results of the RMT work.