Foster and group together knowledge concerning the structure of the fat of animal and plant chains, in order to find the structures that are native or that are obtained via technological processes, making it possible to improve the impact of lipids on health.
Conducting research projects on the structures and the nutritional functions of lipids.
Mapping of the knowledge and know-how of partners.
Sharing and transferring skills within the RMT (Joint technological network): measuring oxidation (choice of markers and taking actions into account with the matrices), harmonisation and optimisation of fat extraction, analytical methods.
Dissemination of knowledge with manufacturers, teachers, medical corps and health prescribers: colloquiums, guides, bibliographical summaries (publication on OCL revue OCL and Progress in Lipid Research )...
RMT Listral organized a symposium on the structure of lipids and their oxidation (November 27 2012, Paris).
RMT Listral ended at the end of 2012.