Implementing its scientific and technical expertise, this multidisciplinary network is developing an integrated approach in the fields of processes concerning processing, packaging and food, in order to better control health safety and quality.
Group R&D programmes along three axes
Assess the impact of processing or preservation technologies, combining packaging, on health safety and the quality of the food.
Develop new methods of evaluating the health hazard for materials and packaging intended for contact with food.
Develop new packaging solutions, incorporating the use of active or biosourced materials.
Expertise with the national and European bodies
Thanks to their recognised skills, the experts in the RMT participate in the Anses, Efsa and DG Sanco committees, in the work of the National reference library (LNR) for materials in contact, in partnership with the DGCCRF, as well as in various committees for standardisation.
In the field of packaging
accompaniment for professionals concerning:
Health quality: response to regulatory requirements, setting up good hygiene practices, evaluating contamination hazards (chemical and microbiological).
Optimising food preservation processes, while still valorising their sensory and nutritional qualities, in synergy with new technologies and new packaging materials.
Designing new food products in adequacy with the process and the packaging.
Diagnostic for packaging in response to environmental requirements.
A network for disseminating and sharing knowledge
Organising theme days, seminars and inter-company training sessions.
Provide adequacy between higher education and the needs of companies.
Writing guides that assist in making decisions.
Publications of scientific and technical articles stemming from research work.
Realisation of a professional website dedicated to packaging.