Production of tools and methods to help companies become more efficient.
Enabling better understanding of - or contributing to changing - regulations on organic farming.
Creation of communication and training tools.
Creation of research projects to remove identified barriers to the processing of organic products.
Connection of French R&D networks and projects to European platforms and partners.
The ACTIA TRANSFOBIO RMT (2014-2018) is a leading network for technical expertise on subjects related to organic farming and processing in all food industries.
This RMT's programme is divided into three themes and one cross-cutting area.
Formulation of processed organic products, highly "natural" products
Inventory of "inputs" used when processing organic products.
Definition of acceptable criteria for organic inputs taking the technological requirements into account.
Definition of the lists of authorised products and their uses.
Initiation of research projects to find alternatives.
Processes applied to processed organic products, characterisation and recommendations
Characterisation of processes using reliable and objective indicators.
Identification of the best available technologies (BAT).
Recommended best practice.
Matching the qualities of organic products with consumers' expectations
Promotion of the RMT's results to guide the choices of processing companies in order to guarantee the quality of organic products (technical guides, training tools, themed days).