

Christophe Cotillon & Antoine Kieffer (Actia)
Tel. : 33 (0)1 44 08 86 15   33 (0)1 44 08 37 05

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria)


Eighteen full partners representing 8 different European Countries:
Austria (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences-Boku, Austrian Competence Centre of Food Safety-LVA), Germany (University of Hohenheim-Uhoh, France (Actia, AgroParisTech, Ania), Greece (Natural Food Additives GP, Federation of Hellenic Food Industries-Sevt), Italy (University of Teramo-Unite,  Italian Federation of Food Industry - Federalimentare), Portugal (Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra-IPC, Catholic University of Portugal-UCP, Frulact Sa, Portuguese Federation of Food Industry-Fipa), Spain (University of Murcia, The GB Foods, Spanish Federation of Food and Drinks-Fiab), United Kingdom (University of Leeds).

January 2017

36 months




This ERASMUS+ Knowledge Alliance project must establish an independent “EuFooD-STA Center”, a platform with local hubs in different regions, as an organisational frame for international and sustainable collaborations between industry and academia in the food sector.
It will enhance on the one hand innovative education & training for students, targeted towards the needs of the industry and thus increasing their employability and on the other hand innovative continual professional development (CPD) for academic and company staff by facilitating experience exchange.
These will be achieved by work and training experiences through industrial and university placement promoting of best practices of already existing training materials and methods joint academic/company tutoring and supervision joint development of guidelines for the design and implementation of joint “industrial master” curricula joint development of a CPD programme and certification scheme for company and university staff, joint development of trainings material, modules, courses, etc. to improve existing academic curricula and CPD training development of a digital library consisting of tutorials, recorded webinars, online courses, etc., a multilingual database and an e-learning platform Industry partners can train their staff and make use of placement of researchers who can collect practical experiences.

University partners can train their teaching staff, tune their study programmes, make use of modules from other Universities or new modules developed in collaboration with Industry and other academic partners.

Eu-FooD-STA Network is open to other Universities, food companies and multiplier organisations & training providers.
