


Christophe Cotillon & Gemma Cornuau (Actia)
Tel. : 33 (0)6 14 08 91 41 -  33 (0)6 18 69 52 13

University of Hohenheim (Germany)


Forty three partners representing eleven different European Countries; among them sixteen case studies from six European Countries: Austria (Iseki-Food Association), Belgium (Copa Cogeca, Eucofel - Association européenne du commerce de fruits et légumes de l’UE, European Food Information Council, FoodDrinkEurope AISBL),  France (Actia, 2 case studies: Ctcpa, Couleur Paysanne), Germany (Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen, Organic Services GmbH, Solidarische Landwirtschaft EV, University of Hohenheim), Greece (Panepistimio Kritis, 2 case studies: Allotropon Syn.Pe., Cooperatives-Customers of Organic Products GAEA), Hungary (Campden BRI Magyarorszag Nonprofit Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag,  Kislepteku Termekeloallitok Es Orszagos), Serbia (Faculty of Agriculture - University of Belgrade, Institut Za Fiziku, 2 case studies: Polo-Cacak, Udruzenje kompanija za preradu voca i povrca), Spain (Fundacion AZTI, Fundacion Citoliva - Centro de Innovacion y Technologia del Olivar y del Aceite, Gabinete de Gestion Integral de Recursos Sl, 2 case studies: Fundacion Lantegi Batuaks, La Trufa de Álava), Switzerland (Eidgenoessisches Departement fuer Wirtschaft Bildung und Forschung, 2 case studies: Biofruits SA, Chèvrement bon), The Netherlands (Stichting Nederlands Bakkerij Centrum, 2 case studies: Amped Concepts BV, Brandt en Levie BV, University of Utrecht, University of Wageningen).

September 2018

36 months


Horizon 2020 - SC2 - n° 773785


Smartchain is an ambitious, 3 year project with 43 partners from 11 European countries including key stakeholders from the domain of short food supply chain as actors in the project. The central objective is to foster and accelerate the shift towards collaborative short food supply chains and, through concrete actions and recommendations, to introduce new robust business models and innovative practical solutions that enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of the European agri-food system.

Using bottom-up, demand-driven research, the Smartchain consortium
- will perform a multi-perspective analysis of 18 case studies of short food supply chains in terms of technological, regulatory, social, economic and environmental factors,
- will assess the linkages and interactions among all stakeholders involved in short food supply chains and
- will identify the key parameters that influence sustainable food production and rural development among different regions in Europe.

The project aims to establish nine national communities of short food supply chains (Innovation and Collaboration Hubs) in different partner countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Serbia, Spain and Switzerland) and a virtual innovation hub in order to facilitate stakeholder engagement, bringing farmers and consumers together in a trustenhancing environment enabling them to generate demand driven-innovations. Combination of scientific and practical knowledge and the use of innovation workshops will enable the development of practical innovative solutions as well as the promotion of a framework for different forms of collaborative short food supply chains in urban and rural areas.

Smartchain will generate concrete actions for knowledge transfer, through the organisation of multi-stakeholder workshops and training activities for farmers and short food supply chain entrepreneurs.

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