The freshness and quality of sea food are at the heart of the concerns of the professionals in the sector of French sea food and consumers.
This UMT makes it possible to strengthen our knowledge in the field of freshness and quality of sea food by setting up research programmes. It is an advantage for the development and promotion of French fishing and aquaculture.
This UMT is located in Boulogne-sur-Mer.
The results of the following actions should allow the stakeholders in the French sector to position themselves better in the fresh food market and to be better armed to face the competition from imported products:
Improving the quality of the fish from wet fishing.
Comparing the quality of fresh and thawed sea food.
Developing new tools for assessing the freshness of fish fillets and differentiating fresh and thawed fish fillets.
Parasitology of fish: studying the prevalence and improving the methods for detecting and destroying parasites in fish fillets.
Health safety: assistance in controlling the histaminic and microbiological risks.