French companies from meat and meat products sector have to face mainly economical, sanitary and nutritional challenges. From an economical point of view, they have to develop new technologies in order to preserve their national markets, to increase export trading and to propose new meat products that do not exist and can fit with needs of specific customers as juniors or seniors. From nutritional and organoleptic points of view, they have to survey the increase of alternative diets as vegetarianism or flexitarism that can lead to nutritional deficiencies. In this context, development of mixed products integrating meat proteins and vegetable proteins can be a good opportunity. For sanitary aspects, development of solutions must be imagined in order to secure meat products and limit the use of chemical preservatives that are now suspected, for some of them, to increase prevalence of severe pathologies.
UMT ACTIA NEWCARN, located around Clermont-Ferrand, was labeled on January 1st 2017 for a five-year period.
Development of meat products with new textural properties or mixed products integrating meat and vegetable proteins. These products could be dedicated to specific customers as seniors or juniors that do not have adapted products offer.
Development of safe and stable meat products based on new technological strategies replacing chemical preservation: meat surface decontamination, combined thermal or non-thermal processes, biopreservation, monitoring of raw materials oxidative stability.
Spread emerging technologies especially ohmic heating or numerical modelling of meat products processes.