

Université de Bretagne occidentale (Lubem)


Provide for the inactivation of vegetative and sporeforming bacterial cells via non-thermal processes and assess the sanitation measures.

This UMT is located in Quimper.


Designing analytical tools that make it possible to assess the impact of production, preservation and cleaning-disinfection processes on the bacterial behaviour and physiology.

Extending the application of molecular quantifications by searching for ubiquitous biomarkers of the inactivation.

Modelling the inactivation of vegetative and sporeforming cells.

Suggesting models for assessing the performance of different biocides.

Optimising process and formulations of products, thanks to the inactivation model, in particular through the association of thermal and non-thermal treatments.

Organisation of the "Sporeforming bacteria in food" colloquium in order to promote the activities of innovation which included a specific session on the inactivation of sporeforming bacteria in matrices or on the surface.

This work continues to increase the predictive microbiology databases, especially Sym'Previus (